Types of Review
  • It relies on information that is publicly available or in the public domain;
  • It involves observation of people in public places given that it does not involve any intervention, targeted individuals/group have no reasonable expectations of privacy, and dissemination does not allow identification of specific individuals;
  • It relies on exclusively on secondary use of anonymous information;
  • It deals with quality assurance and quality improvement studies; and
  • It concerns creative practice activities.
Delegated Review
  • It poses minimal risk;
  • It does not involve vulnerable populations;
  • It does not involve the collection of stigmatizing information;
  • It uses anonymized or archived samples;
  • It is a continuing review of clinical trials that do not involve further recruitment of participants;
  • It is a continuing review of studies previously classified under expedited review; and
  • It concerns study protocol amendments that are administrative in nature and do not affect the study protocol.

Research protocol that does not satisfy the criteria of exempted and expedited review is classified under full board review such as if:

  • It poses more than minimal risk;
  • It involves participants who belong to a vulnerable group; and 
  • It may generate circumstances of vulnerability for the participants (or the researcher).


Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans December 2018.

Philippine Health Research Ethics Board, Philippine Council for Health Research and Development, Department of Science and Technology. National Ethical Guidelines for Health and Health-related Research. August 2017.